I always enjoy the array of events offered in Albuquerque during the month of December. From the River of Lights at the Botanic Garden to the Nob Hill Shop & Stroll (this year-free parking behind O'Niell's & free shuttle!), this month I plan to be thoroughly entertained.
Historic Nob Hill (includes information about the Shop & Stroll on December 2nd)
Old Town New Fun (includes details of the Holiday Stroll on December 3rd)
First Friday Artscrawl (December 3rd)
Twinkle Light Parade (December 4th)
Albuquerque Toy Run Ride (December 5th)
Grand Menorah Lighting at Civic Plaza
Sunday, December 5th at 4 p.m.
-Fantastic Chanukah celebration will follow inside the Convention Center!
-Fantastic Chanukah celebration will follow inside the Convention Center!
Roadrunner Food Bank Holiday Virtual Food Drive
Nutcracker on the Rocks
A Mariachi Christmas
Winter Solstice: Music of the Season @ the Juan Tabo Library
December 15th at 6:30 p.m.
-Celebrate the season with harpist Linda Kennedy and flautist Victoria Beatty. The duo will perform traditional music from northern Europe and the British Isles.
Feast of Guadelupe Celebration & Concert
You can already buy tickets for the Luminaria Tour!
Also visit the City of Albuquerque Events page! There's a upcoming Holiday Adoptathon Extravaganza by Animal Welfare, Sunport Serenades, the Nutcracker playing at the KiMo, & the Mayor & First Lady's Dog Ball to look forward to as well.