Friday, April 30, 2010
An Australian in New York

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Celebrate Poetry!

"From 1970 to 1998, Pearl London conducted a 'Works in Progress' poetry course
at the New School in Greenwich Village, inviting poets to bring manuscripts of
poems they were struggling with and offer them up for dissection and
discussion.These remarkably candid and inspiring conversations about aesthetic
and moral matters would have faded from memory if a stash of forgotten cassette
tapes hadn't been found after London's death in 2003. Writer and former New
Schooler Neubauer selected and judiciously edited 23 exciting interviews, which,
accompanied by photographs of the poets and reproductions of their manuscripts,
reveal what poets do and why they do it. Maxine Kumin and Robert Hass have
opposite views about abstraction in poetry. June Jordan speaks of poetry and
politics. Galway Kinnell calls for a new form of nature poems. Derek Walcott
speaks of the "honesty of the line." Extraordinary moments with Frank Bidart,
Amy Clampitt, Lucille Clifton, Edward Hirsch, Li-Young Lee, Philip Levine, and
James Merrill create a treasury of passionate and enlightening exchanges that
illuminate the very life force of poetry."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Behind the Scenes @ Your Library
This machine lives in Long Island City, Queens, in a renovated warehouse two-thirds the length of a football field. It sorts the books for the 132 branches of the New York Public Library. The New York Times has an article about this tremendous piece of machinery, the envy of library systems everywhere.
In contrast, our system involves sorting by hand into bins (see below), which travel by truck to the 17 branches. Not quite as high tech, but suitable for our needs. Now when you place a book on hold you can imagine its journey across town in one of these bins!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Literary Tours

Have you recently visited a literary landmark? Let us know about your trip!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Getting the Most from Your Library: Interlibrary Loan

Monday, April 19, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

National Library Week
April 11 – 17, 2010
Please share your story! Tell us how the library has made a difference in your life and help us advocate for the importance of libraries in our community.
I got my first ABC Libraries card shortly after I moved to Albuquerque in 1992. At that time, I had no car & I lived north of Academy & Harper, so I used to walk once a week down to Erna Fergusson, armed with a backpack that I lugged back & forth, emptying & refilling (I've always been a voracious library patron, even with a 3 mile walk each way). Later, when I worked at Borders, I used to see books I wanted to read on the shelves, make a note of them, & then check them out of the library (even with the employee discount, I would rather borrow books than buy them). By this point I had moved downtown, & Main was the branch library I walked to weekly, usually after trolling the website online & placing multiple holds (I especially remember discovering 'Find Similar Items' tab, which has greatly enhanced my searches). Now I work for the library & have my own SmartCard for the computers, which has made it possible for me to go months at a time without paying for computer access at home-spending lunches on the computer at work, or heading to my local branch on my days off-which has been a great help to me financially. I love the library-thanks for the computers, the place to browse, the 3443 items I have checked out over the years!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
2010 Pulitzer Prizewinners!

The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt by T.J. Stiles
(winner for Biography)
Tinkers by Paul Harding
(winner for Fiction)
The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy by David E. Hoffman
(winner for General Non-Fiction)
For more Pultizer Prizewinners, visit their website.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Reading Music

This isn't the first time that fiction has dealt with rock music. Just this year, Nick Hornby gave us Juliet, Naked, about the fictional Tucker Crowe, a has-been American musician, destined to fade into obscurity save for a handful of devoted listeners like the musically obsessed Duncan Thomson.
We only have Music from Big Pink (which I haven't read) in the catalog, but the 33 1/3 book series has some very interesting titles available.
A subject search under "musical fiction" brings up a bevy of titles, including those that might be of interest to jazz aficionados (1929 by Frederick Turner, a story involving Bix Beiderbecke), polka lovers (The Clarinet Polka by Keith Maillard), & opera fans (Anne Rice's Cry to Heaven is fascinating). The Kreutzer Sonata by Margriet de Moor "traces narrative arabesques around the terrible romantic jealousy suffered by a blind music critic" according to Publisher's Weekly. Divine Music by Suruchi Mohan deals with Hindustani music.
On a non-fiction note, Da Capo Press has given us some writings to consider, such as The Show I'll Never Forget: 50 Writers Relive Their Most Memorable Concertgoing Experience & Da Capo Best Music Writing; & I highly recommend music geek Rob Sheffield's Love is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time & Nick Hornby's Songbook. I can't recommend Patti Smith's new memoir Just Kids highly enough.
Have you read any fiction or non-fiction about music? I'm always looking for recommendations in that direction!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
10 in '10-Reading New Mexico

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Always wanted to know what makes librarians tick? Consider taking a look at the documentary Hollywood Librarian, now available in the library catalog! According to the cover, "The Hollywood Librarian is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject of librarians. A vivid blend of factual documentary, feature film, and storytelling, it reveals the history and realities of librarianship in the entertaining and appealing context of American movies. Interviews with actual librarians, intercut with film clips of cinematic librarians, examine such issues as literature, books and reading, censorship, library funding, citizenship and democracy. For the first time, we see and understand the real lives and real work of American librarians who for decades have been a cultural force hiding in plain sight."
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Jazz Appreciation Month

A keyword search of jazz in our catalog will bring up a variety of items in books, music, & movies! Check out the most recent biographies of Thelonious Monk & John Coltrane, both very favorably reviewed. For an interesting listen, check out Melody Gardot's My One & Only Thrill or Worrisome Heart.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
We Remember Tony

Laureen Pepersack
1116 Avenida Codorniz
Santa Fe, NM 87507
REV Digital Video, her company, ph 471-8441 .
Thanks to everyone who stopped by & made this event a success!