Wednesday, February 24, 2010
10 in '10: Take the Challenge

Monday, February 22, 2010
What We're Reading
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon

Georgina Weldon was born on the 18th birthday of the then Princess Victoria & her parents liked to believe that that fact made their baby's birthday auspicious--that little Georgina was destined for great things. Georgina agreed whole-heartedly with this assessment & spent her whole life scheming & planning for fame & fortune--& doing the wrong thing with every step she took.
Instead of making a good marriage that would ensure good marriages for her younger siblings, Georgina chose to marry a penniless soldier. She had a reasonably good voice but despite no voice training, she was sure stardom was in her future--kind of the Paris Hilton of the Victorian age, without the pedigree. Her affection for music led to a calamitous involvement with the composer Gounod & an ill-fated 'musical orphanage' in which children plucked off the streets were subjected to a health regimen of cold morning baths & no shoes, & taught to sing. Georgina took up with the villainous Angele & Anarcharsis Menier, who over the years encouraged her, but also swindled her. They were just a few of her poorly chosen cronies.
Georgina blundered through life, seeking fame but finding notoriety, picking up & discarding people & causes, always the center of her own universe. Brian Thompson's The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon presents her foibles with verve & humor, chronicling her affairs, her litigious nature (25 cases in court in one year), her two stays in prison, & her fight against being committed to a mental institution by her own husband in a way that will make you shake your head in disbelief & yet admire this Victorian eccentric's tenacity as she muddles through it all.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Online Social Networking for Book Lovers!
Looking to share your love of reading with likeminded individuals...online? Consider these 3 social networking websites centered around books! You can review books, read recommendations, catalog your personal library, and more!
Check out goodreads! From their website-
Have you ever wanted a better way to:
- Get great book recommendations from people you know.
- Keep track of what you've read and what you'd like to read.
- Form a book club, answer book trivia, collect your favorite quotes.
To learn how goodreads works, check here.
There's also Shelfari:
Welcome to Shelfari! Shelfari is the premier social network for people who love books. Create a virtual shelf to show off your books, see what your friends are reading and discover new books - all for free!
From their website, you can take a virtual tour of the site.
I am a fan of Librarything:
- A home for your books.
- Enter what you’re reading or your whole library. It’s an easy, library-quality catalog.
- A community of 1,000,000 book lovers.
- LibraryThing connects you to people who read what you do
Librarything also has an online tour.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Check This Out!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Beginning Mosaics

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Super Bowl Snacks

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Spirit of Competition

--Pierre de Coubertin (founder of modern Olympic Games)
To get yourself in the spirit for the Olympics, the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County library system has quite a few books of interest. If you want an overall view of Winter Olympic sports, you might look for Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics. If you prefer the graceful performances of figure skating, you might be interested in Figure Skating Now: Olympic and World Champions, or for a more intimate behind the scenes look at the sport, Inside Edge: A Revealing Journey into the Secret World of Figure Skating. Younger readers might enjoy Boitano's Edge: Inside the Real World of Figure Skating to get a glimpse of what it might be like to be an Olympic figure skater. If you want to delve deep into what the library system has to offer, simply type in “Winter Olympics” in the “Find it” search field on the library’s home page! You can also do a keyword search by sport.
The goal of the Olympic Games is to bring all the nations together and celebrate competition, athleticism, solidarity, and fair play. Be sure to tune in to the games this year and celebrate, along with the rest of the world, all the athletes as they strive for Olympic Gold and to spread the spirit of the Olympic Games to us all.