Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Women in Horror Month: Horror Titles To Check Out!

Women in Horror Month is celebrated every February. However, it doesn’t stop there - we work toward our mission all year long.
~from the website

Are you a fan of the horror genre? Did you know this month is Women in Horror Month (WiHM)? The goal of WiHM is "female genre artists in gaining opportunities, exposure, and education through altruistic events, printed material, articles, interviews, and online support." There are events: blog series; performances; podcasts, and more. There is a blog, Ax Wound, where you can "[r]ead about the horror filmmakers/artists you love and discover new talent all year round."

With this in the works, we thought this would be a good time to celebrate women horror authors! Here's some titles from the library catalog you might not know. Some of them are horror fiction by women, and some are story collections featuring pieces by recommended horror authors. Would you like to recommend any authors or titles?  Let us know in the comments!

Dread in the Beast by Charlee Jacob

Come Closer by Sara Gran

The Mysteries by Lisa Tuttle

Mistification by Kaaron Warren

The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas [local author]

Blood Colony by Tananarive Due

The Forgotten by Tamara Thorne [eBook]

The Restorer by Amanda Stevens [eBook]

A House Divided by Deborah LeBlanc

We Will All Go Down Together: Stories of the Five-Family Coven by Gemma Files

Blood Oranges by Caitlín R. Kiernan writing as Kathleen Tierney

Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia 

White Space by Ilsa J. Blick [YA] 

Don't You Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn [YA] 

Lovecraft's Monsters edited by Ellen Datlow   

Vampires: The Recent Undead edited by Paula Guran

Teeth: Vampire Tales edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling [YA] [eBook]

Searchers After Horror: New Tales of the Weird and Fantastic edited by S.T. Joshi


Horror Roundtable: Sexism in Horror [Horror Writers Association]

Top 25 Women Horror Writers You Probably Haven't Heard Of (But Should Know) [Hellnotes]

Women in Horror Month: Get Involved!

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